Step onto your Priest/ess Path
Embracing Transformation, Change and Healing
"My journey as a Priest within the Avalon Tradition began over 12 years ago. I didn't know then how life-transforming the journey would be. The path can be challenging at times; it goes down steep steps into our psyche, but from this deep dive, we receive incredible personal healing and reach new highs in our authenticity, empowerment, and self-confidence.
Our Online and Correspondence Priestess and Priest courses allows you to deepen into your spiritual practice. These courses are professional training programs that are fully insurable and allow you to further your profession as a Holistic Practitioner, Priestess and Priest.
Our courses are based in the Celtic Lineage of Avalon, weaving Goddess Spirituality, Druidry, Witchery, Holistic Skills and Multi-Faith work together to make a truly magical course.