Kinesiology is a Holistic therapy that combines Chinese and Chiropractic techniques to rebalance homoeostasis within the body, aiding the body natural healing abilities.
Rebalances the body's energy
Pain relieving
Allergy testing
Food intolerances testing
Emotional stress release
Relieves frozen shoulders
Supplement testing
Helps digestive issues
Relieves IBS
Nutritional ndvice
Brain Gym Activities
Brings holistic well-being
Relieves headaches and migraines
Helps with past life trauma
A wide variety of techniques are used during a treatment, from stress and pain relief to using Bach flower Remedies as well as testing for supplements.
Full Treatment
Lasts 2 Hours, Costs £45
Gail Hall
"When I had my Kinesiology I had been unwell for sometime, I found the treatment gave me the boost I needed to recover more quickly, and Daniel was very supportive and professional."